Month: June 2011

Basic White Bread Dough

Contributor:  Enid SandersonCC Original 6 cups warm water1/2 cup sugar1/2 cup oil2 T salt1 cup powdered milk2-3 T yeast Mix all together then add 12-14 cups flour.  Beat with dough hook for about 10 minutes.  Place in greased bowl and brush melted margarine over top 


Contributor:  Enid SandersonCC Original “A shortcut in preparing cake pans, bread and roll pans, etc.  Try it, you’ll like it!” 1 cup shortening (vegetable shortening stays fresh longer)1/2 cup flour1 T oil Whip in mixer until fluffy and airy.  Put in container with lid on.  

Pepperoni Rolls

Contributor:  Enid Sanderson
CC Original

Use homemade bread dough or frozen.

Use 2-3 oz pieces of dough, flattened to about the size of hand, about 6″ long and 3″ wide.  Place thin little sticks of pepperoni (about 1 oz) long way on dough then roll up and pinch to seal.  Place on baking sheet greased with DOBIE.

Let rise until double, then bake at 350 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.  Brush tops with melted margarine.  Let cool a bit, then enjoy.

These freeze well but don’t have to be refrigerated if used within 2-3 days.  Be sure they’re packaged in something air tight so they’ll stay fresh.

If you prefer you can grind the pepperoni instead of making sticks.  To make the sticks, cut lengths of pepperoni about 4″ long then cut in half, then fourths, then slices, etc.

Can be revived well in oven or microwaved, sliced and cheese or sauce or whatever added.  Experiment and find your own delightful combination.

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Baking Powder Biscuits

Baking Powder Biscuits

Contributor:  Alta Smith CC Original “Alta still has the recipe book she used in her home econ class at BHA.  She’s used this recipe for 65 years–all her married life.” Mix and sift together: 2 cups flour 4 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt Add 

Apple Pancake–Microwaved

Contributor:  Miriam RobertsCC Original Melt 3 T butter in 9″ glass pie plate.  Stir in: 2 pared, sliced apples1/3 cup brown sugar1 tsp cinnamon1 tsp nutmet Cover.  Microwave 4 minutes on high.  Pour over apple mixture 1 cup pancake mix, combined with: 1/2 tsp cinnamon1/4 

Steamed Vegetables

Contributor:  Wilma Fisher
CC Original

6-8 strips bacon, cut in pieces and browned in saucepan.

Snip, break and wash about 1-1 1/2 cups of green beans.  Add to bacon in pan.  Scrape and wash a cup or so new carrots.  Cut into bite-sized pieces.  Put in pan.  Peel new potatoes and cube.  About the same amount.  Add to other vegetables in pan.

Last of all, wash and slice crookneck squash, about 3-4 small ones.  Put in pan.  Stir to mix vegetables.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Add small amount of water.  Put lid on and let steam until all vegetables are tender.

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Fried Rice

Contributor:  Ina WellingCC Original “Fern Taggart gave Ina this recipe years ago.  I’ve eaten it, so I know it’s good.” COOK RICE THE DAY BEFORE USING! 3 T good cooking oil1/2 cup cooked, finely chopped ham3+ green onions, chopped1 quart cold cooked rice3 T soy 

Cheese Scalloped Carrots

Contributor:  Julie BeallCC Original 12 sliced and peeled carrots1/4 cup butter1 small onion1/4 tsp salt1/4 tsp dry mustard2 cups milk1/8 tsp pepper1/4 tsp celery salt1/2 lb sliced American or cheddar cheese Cook carrots, covered in boiling water, until barely tender.  Drain.  IN saucepan, cook onion 

Chicken & Dressing Casserole

Contributor:  Wilma Fisher
CC Original

1 chicken, cut up and put in pressure cooker.  Add 2 cups water and pressure for 1/2 hour.  Let cool.

Put 3/4 loaf bread (dried and crumbled) and 2 cups chopped celery in large bowl.  In saucepan, mix 1 cube butter, 1 small chopped onion, 1 1/2 tsp poultry seasoning, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp thyme.  Simmer about 5 minutes.  Pour over bread and celery–toss.  Beat 3 eggs.  Add to others and toss.  Add enough chicken bouillon to moisten.  Cut up chicken, bone and mix with dressing.  Put into pan.  Make gravy with chicken drippings and put on top of casserole.  Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

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Corn Dogs

Contributor:  Jan EllisCC Original “A quick, delicious meal–teenagers love ’em!” 2 beat eggs1 cup milk1/2 tsp salt1/2 cup sugar2 cups flour2 tsp baking powder Mix and let stand 1/2 hour.  Insert corn dog sticks 1 1/2″ into weiners.  Dip into batter and deep fat fry!