Foundation Cream Candy

Contributor:  Mable Cox
CC Original

3 cups sugar
2 T butter
1 cup rich milk
1/2 T white corn syrup

Mix sugar, butter, syrup and milk.  Bring to boiling point slowly. Cook until a soft ball can be formed in cold water.  Pour onto a marble slab or platter to cool.  When cool, beat until creamy.  Knead.  Flavor as desired (vanilla, orange, peppermint, etc. may be used.)  When vanilla is used, add walnuts, coconut or candied cherries.  Color as desired.

Note:  Fondant may be made from this recipe by substituting water for milk and omitting the butter or by combining:

4 cups sugar
2 cups hot water
3 T white corn syrup
1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Bring sugar, water and syrup to a boil.  Add cream of tartar when it begins to boil.

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