Eagle Brand Ice Cream

Contributor:  Ina WellingCC Original 8 eggs1 1/2 cups sugar1 cup Eagle Brand1 large can evaporated milk1 tsp vanilla1 tsp lemon Separate eggs.  Combine yolks, sugar and flavoring.  Stir.  Beat egg whites until stiff.  Stir egg yolk mixture into whites.  Pour into icre cream freezer.  Finish 

Oreo Torte

Contributor:  Shirley BusteedCC Original Place crushed Oreo cookies on bottom of cake pan.  Spoon softened 1/2 gallon of vanilla or butter pecan ice cream over cookies.  Put into freezer to harden. Make chocolate sauce of:4 squares baking chocolate1 cup sugar1 1/4 cups evaporated milk Stir